Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MDO and Friends

We spent this morning hiking with friends at Montano De Oro or MDO if you want to speak like a local. We were almost a little preschool with all our kids in toe, 9 kids in total. The picture above is not an accurate view of our hike. The kids where out of their strollers running around after about 10 minutes. But they had fun!
This place is gorgeous with the ocean cliffs, huge waves, and beautiful wildflowers. I never get tired of coming here.
It was a little wet after the rains this past month. But the kids loved playing in the mud. They kept calling it the icky sticky mud. You can see my adventurous messy little girl jumping in the mud while her cleanly best friend Emma is knelt down, crying out in horror. I love how different their personalities are!!
Messy best friends!!

Check out the Video of the Beautiful Day CLICK HERE!!


  1. Adorable! Looks like so much fun! So just realized I was following "the lamb family" on my blog and I clicked on it... and it was some rando family. AH! Had to put in the correct URL and finally got the right one :)

  2. You gals look like the mom equivalent of a motorcycle gang.

  3. That is just way too cute. And looks so therapeutic. Beautiful place...

  4. uh, hello! Did I not comment on this? You added Ashley Ann Photography to your blog roll. Love her. You went to the coast. Love it. Those girls make me smile.
