Sunday, March 22, 2009

The beginnings

I never thought I would be blogging but I am giving it a try to stay better connected to friends and family. So here I go....

Right now I am in New York with Abbey visiting my parents. I don't know who is having a better time, Abbey with my parents or them with Abbey. They gave her a new nickname today, "five star". As we were carting her around from antique store to antique store and then a long drive to the lake my dad kept giving her "stars" for her good behavior. She ended the day with 5 stars! Which then meant she was a 5 star baby, hence calling her 5 star for the rest of the night. So cute! I have just loved being around my parents. Being with them is as if I am living in a Seinfeld episode that never ends. We just laugh about everything and anything and they are so passionate about things...i love their loudness. Since we have been her Abbey has had a cold, eye infections and four new teeth coming in but it hasn't stopped her from being her smiling, laughing, energetic self. Today my mom taught her how to blow her nose so she keep running around in circles blowing her nose all night. I will post pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh!!! I CAN post comments. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world, friend Jenn...I love your family and can't wait to read all about them.
