Friday, August 5, 2011

Come home soon Isaac

I have a friend from college (Jamie and Jason Kelley) who are trying to adopt this wonderful little boy Isaac. From her blog Jamie writes, "Isaac is 3 years old and was born with Down syndrome. In his current country, there is simply no place for him in society at this time. If he is not adopted at age 4, he faces transfer to a mental institution where the likelihood of his survival is very low."

I have read places that 95% of kids with Down syndrome that get transferred to these mental institutions DIE because the conditions are heinous. This breaks my heart. And I think about my friend Jamie as she has tucked her kids in bed and the house is quite how she must be dreaming about her little boy coming home. Wondering when she can hold him and tuck him into bed and sing him songs and give him kisses. I miss my kids after a day. I can imagine have this separation. If you would like to help bring Isaac home you can go to Jamie's blog and donate. I have seen the humility that this family has had when someone has donated $3 or $3,000. Seriously even dollar helps. I recently went to an adoption seminar, mainly because I wanted to raise my awareness about the need. What stuck with me was when the speaker said "not all of us may be called to adopt but all of us are commanded to help orphans." So even if you can't give re post this and pray for Isaac to come home soon.

Grab This!

Monday, August 1, 2011

West Coast to the East Coast

Wow where do I begin? Well, plain and simple we have moved. We moved from California to Buffalo, New York. I have a little bit of regret not documenting the last couple months but at the same time it takes a time to move with two little ones and most importantly we were soaking up every minute of our life in SLO with students who were more like friends and friends who were more like family. We went to Big Sur, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite, took more walks on the beach with coffee from our favorite coffee shop, we took a train ride up the coast with friends, we went to every farmers market on Thursday night, the kids and I would ride the trolley that stopped in front of our house just for the heck of it and the list goes on. If I wrote this post just even a couple weeks ago I would be sobbing thinking of all that I miss but Jesus is Good and has done a work in my heart. Now there is still a tear prick in my eye and sadness in my heart as a write this but I see God working and feel Him providing and I am starting to trust Him more and more.

Trust in him at all times,
O people; pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.
Psalms 62:8

Kevin has also been a rock for me. He is adaptable. He welcomes change. And he sees the glass half full. I am thankful to have married a man with the complete opposite nature of mine. The kids are doing well. Nothing phases Dave, he just keeps smiling (my parents nick named him the "smiling machine"). Abbey is adjusting. The first week was hard for her; she missed her friends and the old house. But a week in Colorado with staff kids at our staff conference put her on the fast track to making New York home. This definitely helps my heart.

I guess this post ended up being less about details of our move and more about my heart. Maybe more details in the future but I promise you I have the blogging bug again so a should be in this space more. And I can't promise you that I won't slip in a few old SLO adventures every now and then. You know I will, coming from the women who blogged about Christmas in February.