Sunday, September 26, 2010

And the Winner is...

...Abbey! Actually 2nd place for Most Unusual vegetable. With the combination of her crazy creative personality and Kevin helping her, well of course Abbey's vegetable was chosen for most unusual.

And celebrating with ice cream was in order. How is it that she always ends up with both cones?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

AG Harvest Festival

Today we are having record high temperatures but we still had to make it to the Arroyo Grande Harvest Festival. We had a great time with a kid festivities: deby car racing, mini train rides, petting zoo, and toy train museum. But the other part of me was actually celebrating the harvest, I'm thankful for all the local farms that we have all around us. I am thankful that we can buy fresh produce locally and all kinds of organic food too.

Well here are some photos. I'm not happy that Abbey's face is covered up in all the pictures but I would rather had lame pictures and have Abbey wear a hat. I honestly think the only reason she wore her hat is because David was wearing one. Whatever works, right?!

Both Kevin and Abbey were in heaven at the petting zoo.
Kevin would have a potbelly pig if he could have his way. Good thing I have veto power.
Abbey asked if she could hold daddy's hand which melted Kevin heart.
And they had all the old tractors and firetrucks out which I loved.

And we had to enter the vegetable decorating contest. We are sure Abbey's will win. Honestly, who doesn't love a potato with huge eyes.
Well everyone is napping now except for this mama. I'm thinking mini pool fun in our little grass patch this afternoon to stay cool.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pacifiers for Trains

In the last month we have broken Abbey of two habits that we weren't fans of. The first was this need to wear a band aid on her finger for naps and to bed at night. That is two band aids a day people! It all started about a year ago when she burned her thumb on my hair straightener. I bought some colorful fun Sesame street and Dora band aid which apparently are crack for toddlers. Abbey had to wear one to bed otherwise she would throw a fit. I know I know! I was weak and gave in because she is a good sleeper and I didn't want to give that up and I didn't want to fight the battle. So a year later, (sigh) she was still wearing band aids and they where a regular purchase when we went to the store. Honestly, two bandaids a day for a year...that's like 650 bandaids!! Finally about a month ago before NY I thought enough is enough. I started telling her at every nap and every night that when the band aids ran out of the box there would no more band aids. (Repetition is key with Abbey) The day came where the box was empty and I was nervous but she did great. There was a little sadness and she did ask for a band aid for a couple weeks but now we are a band aid free. It feels good!!

Now for habit #2: After David was born we tried to get him to take a pacifier but ended up with Abbey addicted to them. She wants everything that is David's. Sigh again. And in the last month she has been taking the paci everywhere and throwing fits about it and we just couldn't take it anymore. So for a couple days I told her she could buy anything toy she wanted at the toy store but she would have to use the pacifiers to pay for it. Yesterday morning Abbey and I had a mother/daughter date. We went to boo boo's then got some chocolate milk and headed to the toy store. The toy store guy over head me explain the game plan to Abbey once more and he said "O yes! The good old pacifier / toy exchange". Abbey picked out a Thomas the train that lights up and makes noise. She tried to negotiate to keep her pink pacifier but the toy guy played along nicely and said "the train will cost all the pacifiers". We are now a pacifier free home.

Monday, September 6, 2010

NY Vacation: Niagara Falls

During the few days we had at my parents house in Lockport we spent a day in Niagara Falls. This amazing place is only 25 min away! And since Abbey has been in love with the kids show Dora the Explorer so we turned the whole day into a "Dora Adventure" because we had a lot of walking to do. So we went "longest bridge" , "castle" ,"biggest water fall".

This is the "longest bridge" which is actually called the Peace bridge that crosses the Niagara River and connects the US to Canada.
We are actually in front of the American Falls and Niagara Falls is in the way back. Yes there are two huge water falls in Niagara Falls Park.
We didn't bring a stroller so Kevin was in charge of chasing Abbey
And I carried Davey
The Canadian side of the park always has amazing flowers.
Abbey had fun running and playing the whole way.
My cute boys.
What a beautiful place to feed Davey. I can watch the falls and Abbey can chase the birds. And since the birds are fat and slow from being feed by tourists Abbey was the closest she has ever been to catching a bird.
We finished this perfect day by celebrating my dad's birthday. We grilled steaks and asparagus and ate the best sweet corn ever.

And Abbey ate her rigatoni like a true Italian kid.
Abbey snuggling with her grandpa watching Dora. I think that was my dad's favorite birthday present.
My family! We miss them alot. Abbey asks everyday, "Let's go see your mom and dad". And I say, "Lets go!".

Friday, September 3, 2010

NY Vacation: the Island

Last week we went to New York to visit my family. It was rough red eye flight to get there. Dave did great but Abbey slept for 45 mins the whole night. and when she woke up from that tiny nap she woke up in a rage; kicking and screaming for at least a half hour. At one point she yelled "Take your hands off me". But we made to Buffalo and then headed upstate to my Aunt and Uncle's Island on the St. Lawerance River . Yes they own an Island!
The St. Lawerance River

The first night we were there we celebrated with lobster. We're not a rich family but my dad loves to celebrate with his family over a really good meal. So, he had 14 cold water live lobsters flown in. We ate lobster till we were stuffed.

My dad the master chief and the life of the party.
Kevin bringing out the big guns to crack those claws.My beautiful cousin Andrea and her wonderful husband Jonathon.
My Uncle Tom: a true Italian man.
It rained for two of the three days we were there but we didn't mind because instead of the guys off fishing all day we were all together in this two room house playing cards, sharing stories of the old days, eating, laughing, eating some more and just spending good quality time together.

My dad with the kiddos: melts my heart.
All the men together.
Abbey snuggling with Andrea wrapped up in this amazing quilt she made for Abbey. I can't tell you how much I love this quilt with it's beautiful vintage fabrics, hand stitching and so much meaning it in. thank you andrea!!
Sam turning the left over lobster in the best bisque I have ever had.
My mom with Davey. She couldn't get enough of holding him.
Well I'll post more pictures of NY next time.