Thursday, June 24, 2010

My cute kids

For the past week and a half Kevin has been in Orange County working with the student teams that are going over seas this summer so I have been home with the kids. It has definitely been hard at times since both kids are waking up at night (multiply times, sigh). But we have had fun and their have been plenty of cute moments.

Such as Abbey reading to Davey from her princess coloring book.
And then telling him he has to pray, followed by a very loud prayer.
David has started smiling which always makes my heart felt.
And there have been many times my shoulder has been used as a pillow.

The BIG 30

I am 30 today. I am 30! I AM 30! Even though it is sad to not be in my twenties anymore I have so much to be thankful for: I have Jesus, I love my job, we live in a great community, I have wonderful friends and I have the most amazing family.

Since college I am usually not around friends and family on my birthday to celebrate. So my wonderful husband surprised me last weekend with bringing in my best friend from college (Cara) from Arizona and when an Italian dinner with friends that drove in from all over California. And if that wasn't enough he booked a night in a hotel in Avila Beach with my close girlfriends (while the husbands watched the babies). Isn't he thoughtful and so sweet?
I was overwhelmed with all the sacrifice everyone made to make me feel so loved. It was so much fun and truly life giving to spend quality time with good friends. Thank you Kevin for making this happen. I love you! And Happy Birthday to me!

Big Girl Bed

Usually kids start climbing out of their cribs but not Abbey. Last week we found her climbing into her crib so we thought it was time to pull the trigger on a toddler bed. Found this bed on craigs list and bought it that day. That night she insisted on sleeping in her big girl bed. She loves it and she especially loves jumping on it!

Monday, June 7, 2010

David's birth story

David James Lamb was born on May 6th at 4:15 in the morning. The day before was a normal day. Friends from the Berkeley staff team were in town so we walked downtown for dinner at Moe's and ate pulled pork sandwiches. By the time we walked home I wasn't feeling well so I decided not to go to Bible study. Instead I got Abbey to bed and rested on the coach where I fell sleep till Kevin came home around 11pm. I got up to go to the bathroom and then I felt a pop. I thought I was peeing but that would have been a world record for the longest pee. I definitely knew then that my water broke and this was it. I called for Kevin and we both wondered around the house in circles anxiously gathering all the things we needed.
After Caellin Douglas came over t o watch Abbey we made our way to the hospital. I still wasn't feeling any contractions at this point and didn't for another hour. Then they first they weren't too bad and I thought I can do this. I was planning on not getting any drugs, I figured my labor with Abbey was short, I can do it natural again.
I labored for 3 hours through intense contractions on one of those exercise balls. I was feeling proud of myself because I was much more relaxed then with Abbey but then the contractions became long and hard with little rest in between. I wasn't dilated any more then when I came in and that is when I thought, what if this labor isn't short, I can't do this any more. So I asked for an epidural. I was frustrated that I asked for one but I didn't think I could make it. I didn't know then but when you get to the "I can't do this any more" stage that is when your body is in transition right before you start to push.
Well, by the time the anesthesiologist got there an hour later, I felt like I had to push. My doctor hadn't been called, I was so scared and in so much pain. Kevin and the nurses convinced me to relaxed and then I pushed this little baby out in 3 pushes. My doctor never made it and the nurse did the delivery and yell "It's a boy". The nurse placed a boy with a full head of brown hair on my chest all goopy and it was love at first sight. I looked at Kevin and he was a mess, weeping with happiness. I found out later that He came out with one arm out (ouch!) and with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck. It was lose but still scary. David is healthy and gaining weight like crazy. We feel so thankful to God for two beautiful and healthy children.